Originally posted on rouzell dot net, as, “Exaggerated Rumors” – this is a verbatim copy.
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated” – See more at: http://oupacademic.tumblr.com/post/48310773463/misquotation-reports-of-my-death-have-been-greatly#sthash.RvLwiUf7.dpuf
I’m reminded of this (misquoted) expression when I hear people say, “SEO is dead!”
Search that phrase (SEO is dead) and you’ll find: About 48,200,000 results.
While a search for simply, “SEO” nets: About 210,000,000 results.
If that assertion proves to be true, then eventually the number of results should slowly approach par.
OK, I’m kidding. Since the one is contained in the other, your results are unpredictable, at best.
Also, when Google tweaks their algorithm again, all bets are off!
Here, for your reading pleasure, is an article (website, really) written years ago, to address this very same concern.
Today, we are going to call SEO something else. Content optimization – yes, that’s better. Easier to say? Well no, you need more syllables. Easier to explain? No, it’s the same as SEO, but the name makes more sense. We were never optimizing engines, after all. So, the new questions are – depending on levels of understanding: What is content and what is optimization?
Content optimization, as explained by Mousehelp dot org, in SEO terms, provided here for your amusement.